The philosophy of MIAM Living is rooted in the latest scientific discoveries, which significantly expand our understanding of reality. Science, by its very nature, should be curious and ever-evolving, challenging established views and encouraging us to see the world with fresh eyes.
Although modern science has been around for only about 400 years, groundbreaking advances in quantum physics over the past century have revolutionized our understanding of the subatomic world and its impact on the entirety of our reality.
One of the most pioneering contributions comes from Nassim Haramein, whose work merges the Standard Model with quantum physics. His research allows us to view the universe from a completely new perspective, one that shifts us away from a narrow, compartmentalized understanding toward a more holistic, conscious, and interconnected vision of reality.
This realization reveals that we are deeply connected to the field of consciousness and the universe—not merely as passive parts of a larger whole, but as active participants capable of influencing and shaping the reality that surrounds us. Our existence and actions are interwoven with the very fabric of the universe, making us an essential part of its ongoing process of creation.
Current research into the effects of meditation on our physiology also yields fascinating insights. It appears that, through the power of the mind, we can bring about tangible changes in our bodies and our lives. When we consider the teachings of quantum physics and our active role in an interactive universe, the concept of manifestation gains scientific validation. This opens new doors to how we understand the relationship between mind and matter, offering scientific support to the idea that we can indeed influence our reality through our thoughts and intentions.
The Origin of Mass and the Nature of Gravity - Massan synty
Nassim Haramein, Cyprien Guermonprez, Olivier Alirol
The field is the sole governing agency of a particle — Albert Einstein
Even Einstein knew, but couldn't prove the existence of the field and its impact on the birth of matter.
This brand new publication has found a connection between the small-scale world of particles like protons and the vast universe. It suggests that the energy fluctuations in empty space at the quantum level can create mass, and this mass is linked to gravity. Essentially, it's like discovering how the tiny puzzle pieces of the universe fit together.
The study also shows that using the size of a proton, a tiny particle, as a reference, we can explain a significant portion of the mass of the universe. This finding resembles the concept of dark matter, which makes up a large part of the universe's mass.
Moreover, the study reveals that there is a relationship between the surfaces of protons and the universe. It's as if the universe's surface information is pixelated by protons, suggesting a fascinating connection between these two scales.
In conclusion, this research provides insight into how mass and forces work together in the universe. It suggests that electromagnetic fluctuations in empty space play a vital role in creating mass and forces. This understanding may have implications for our comprehension of the universe, from the smallest particles to the largest cosmic structures.
The study also hints at a fractal-like structure, where different scales in the universe are interconnected, affecting forces and pressures that we observe both at the quantum level and in the cosmos. This research paves the way for further exploration into the dynamics of the universe at different scales.
Read the full article here:
Experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science - Lomittuminen
Alain Aspect, John Clauser, Anton Zeilinger
Spooky action at a distance —Albert Einstein
Jo Einstein todisti lomittumista, mutta ei pystynyt selittämään sitä ja kutsuikin sitä ¨kummalliseksi vaikutukseksi etäisyyksien takaa."
Lomittuminen (entanglement) on käsite, joka liittyy kaukokytkentään. Kun kaksi hiukkasta lomitetaan, niiden tilat ovat riippuvaisia toisistaan. Tämä tarkoittaa, että et voi tarkasti kuvata kumpaakaan hiukkasta erikseen, vaan sinun on kuvattava molempia yhdessä järjestelmänä. Kun yksi hiukkanen mitataan, se vaikuttaa toisen hiukkasen tilaan välittömästi, riippumatta etäisyydestä niiden välillä.
Vuoden 2022 Nobelin fysiikanpalkinto myönnettiin tutkijoille, jotka tekivät merkittävää työtä kvanttimekaniikan perusteiden ja erityisesti kvanttien kaukokytkennän ymmärtämisessä. Kaukokytkentä tarkoittaa ilmiötä, jossa kahden kaukana toisistaan olevan hiukkasen tilat ovat toisiinsa sidoksissa. Tämä tarkoittaa, että muutoksen tapahtuessa toisen hiukkasen tilassa, toisenkin hiukkasen tila muuttuu välittömästi, vaikka ne olisivat hyvin kaukana toisistaan.
Tämä ilmiö tukee niin kutsuttua non-locality-prinsiippiä kvanttimekaniikassa. Tämä ilmiö on tärkeä, koska se todistaa, että hiukkanen voi ilmentyä sekä aaltona että hiukkasena samanaikaisesti. Tämä on yksi kvanttimekaniikan peruspiirteistä, ja non-locality ilmiö tukee tätä perusolemusta kvanttimaailmassa. Toisin sanoen hiukkanen ei ole pelkästään joko aalto tai hiukkanen, vaan se voi olla molempia samanaikaisesti, ja tämä on yksi niistä seikoista, jotka tekevät kvanttimaailmasta niin kiehtovan ja haastavan ymmärtää.
Nobelin palkitseman tutkimuksen avulla on voitu kokeellisesti osoittaa, että kaukokytkennät ja non-locality ilmiöt ovat todellisia ja voivat tapahtua kvanttimekaniikassa. Tämä on valtava saavutus, joka syventää ymmärrystämme kvanttimekaniikan perusperiaatteista ja niiden sovelluksista.
Lue enemmän tutkimuksesta:
Mediataation voima
Joe Dispenza
Yli vuosikymmenen ajan Dr. Joe Dispenzan tiimi on suorittanut tuhansia tunteja tutkimusta ja yli 18000 kertaa aivojen kuvantamista meditaation aikana - havainnoinut tavallisten ihmisten tekevän epätavallisia asioita, mitannut tuloksia ja analysoinut dataa. Näyttö osoittaa, että kehossa ja mielessä tapahtuvien pysyvien muutosten luomiseen on selvä kaava.
Lue lisää:
Meditation's Impact on Immunity
Demystifying a Transcendental Moment
The Science Behind a Miraculous Healing
Demystifying the Formula - Heart Brain Coherence
There has been extensive research on ionized water (electrolyzed reduced water) and molecular hydrogen, supporting their wellness benefits. You can easily explore these studies yourself via PubMed or Google Scholar by searching for "molecular hydrogen" or "electrolyzed reduced water." You can also conveniently browse the studies by category through the link below.
Everyone knows that around 70% of our body mass is water. But did you know that, at the molecular level, we are up to 99% water? Water's significance to our existence is immense—without it, life wouldn't be possible. Despite this, our understanding of water's deepest essence remains limited. The pioneering researchers below, some of whom are no longer with us, have dedicated their lives to studying water and have unveiled fascinating, new perspectives that challenge traditional notions of this fundamental element of life.
Dr. Jacques Benveniste and Water Memory
Dr. Jacques Benveniste, a pioneer in homeopathy research, proposed the theory that water has the ability to "remember" information from substances that had been dissolved in it, even after those substances were removed. This hypothesis of water memory sparked widespread debate at the time and remains one of the most intriguing areas of water research. Benveniste's work opens new possibilities for exploring water's role as an information carrier.
Dr. Pollack and the Fourth Phase of Water
Dr. Gerald Pollack's research introduced the concept of a fourth phase of water, which exists between solid, liquid, and vapor states. This "EZ water" (Exclusion Zone Water) is a type of liquid crystal believed to play a vital role in biological processes, such as cellular function and energy production. Pollack's studies offer fresh insights into water's role as a sustainer of life.
Dr. Emoto and Water Consciousness
Dr. Masaru Emoto became renowned for his studies suggesting that water can respond to human thoughts, words, and emotions. His frozen water samples formed beautiful crystals when exposed to positive words and irregular shapes with negative words. Emoto brought the concept of water consciousness into broader awareness, inspiring many to consider water's role beyond its physical properties.
Veda Austin and Crystallography
Veda Austin continues the exploration of water's mysteries, focusing on the crystallization of water and its response to its surroundings. Her crystallographic studies reveal how water crystals can reflect the energies and emotions of their environment, offering new perspectives on the relationship between water and life.